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Water Quality Report Released

The City of Delphi has released the latest water quality report.  Please review below or click to download.

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Water Department Opening

The City of Delphi Water Department has an opening. Please review the document below. An application may be requested at the City of Delphi Clerk's Office. 

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Street Department Opening

The City of Delphi Street Department has an opening. Please review the document below. An application may be requested at the City of Delphi Clerk's Office.  

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Public Notice: Subdivision Application


Notice is hereby given that I have, as the owner (or with the owner's consent) of the property commonly described as the address at
approximately 2053 N US Hwy 421, Delphi, IN, 46923, (Parcel IDs 017-33010-00, 017-33011-00, 017-37001-00, and 017-37008-00) and
more specifically described in the legal description below, have filed a petition before the Delphi Plan Commission, which petition requests a primary subdivision plat for the said property in order to develop a residential subdivision with 175 lots to be known as Bowen Estates:

Part of the Southeast and Northeast Quarters of Section 29, Township 25 North, Range 2 West of the Second Principal Meridian, Deer Creek Township, Carroll County, Indiana, described as follows:

BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar with Schneider cap stamped "Firm 0001" (hereinafter referred to as "rebar") at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of said Section 29: thence North 88 degrees 22 minutes 4 7 seconds East (basis of bearing is Indiana State Plane
Coordinate System -West Zone), a distance of 2638.95 feet along the South line of said Section 29 to a "rebar" on the North right of way of Deer Creek Road; thence along said North right of way, South 89 degrees 57 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 875.01 feet to a re bar; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 53 seconds West a distance of 204.90 feet; thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 168.50 feet; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 53 seconds West a distance of 420.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 434.90 feet; thence South 01 degree 49 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 272.83 feet to a re bar; thence South 88 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 455.46 feet to a rebar on the East right of way of Prince Williams Road (US Hwy 421 ); thence the following four courses along said East right of way: 1) North 21 degrees 32 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 448.83 feet to a rebar; thence North 28 degrees 06 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 647.77 feet to a rebar; thence North 27 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 266.73 feet to a rebar; thence North 27 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 269.77 feet to a fence post at the Southernmost corner of property owned by Delphi Human Resources recorded as Instrument Number 200800002944 in the Office of the Recorder of Carroll County, Indiana; thence along the Southeastern line of said Delphi Human Resources property, North 44 degrees 49 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 387.49 feet to a T-post; thence along the Northeastern line of said Delphi Human Resources property, North 35 degrees 03 minutes 01 seconds West a distance of 526.13 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar stamped "Gross"; thence South 88 degrees 21 minutes 43 seconds West a distance of 3.18 feet; thence North 01 degree 38 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 172.35 feet to a rebar; thence South 88 degrees 23 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 112.00 feet to a rebar; thence North 82 degrees 58 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 4.50 feet to a rebar at the Southernmost point of a tract of land owned by Fausset recorded as Instrument Number 20030000694 in said Recorder's Office; thence along the Southeastern line of said Fausset, North 20 degrees 46 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 173.00 feet to a re bar; thence North 48 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 15.00 feet to a rebar: thence along the South line of a tract of land owned by Hayden recorded as Instrument Number 2016003065 in said Recorder's Office, North 61 degrees 43 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 132.33 feet to the Southeast corner of said Hayden property; thence along the South line of property owned by Bradshaw recorded as Instrument Number 2013002345 in said Recorder's Office, North 69 degrees 07 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 117.61 feet to a rebar; thence along the East line of said Bradshaw, North 22 degrees 21 minutes 23 seconds West a distance of 145.80 feet; thence North 71 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet; thence along the West line of property owned by Comprehensive Development Center recorded as Instrument Number 1956002112 in said Recorder's Office, South 22 degrees 21 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 144.30 feet to a rebar; thence along the South line of said Comprehensive Development property, North 71 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 130.00 feet to a rebar at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 of Bowen Acres, Phase I recorded as Slide C, Page 128 in said Recorder's Office; thence the following four courses along said Bowen Acres: 1) North 71 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 220.00 feet to a rebar; thence 2) South 80 degrees 06 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 87. 77 feet to a rebar; thence 3) South 70 degrees 25 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 265.65 feet to a rebar; thence 4) North 19 degrees 04 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 150.06 feet to a rebar at the Southern right of way of Riley Road; thence along said right of way, South 70 degrees 25 minutes 39 seconds East a distance of 17 4.97 feet to a rebar; thence North 49 degrees 55 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 9 .55 feet to a re bar; thence South O 1 degree 54

This petition, File# PC23-007-PP will come for hearing at 6:00pm at the Delphi City Hall, 201 S Union St, Delphi, IN 46923 on December 18, 2023.

The petition and file on this matter is available for examination during normal business hours at the Delphi City Hall, 201 S Union St, Delphi, IN 46923 or by contacting the Administrator at (317) 258-8046 or email at 􀀡grwinc com. Comments regarding this petition may be
submitted at the hearing or any time before the hearing. Information to be considered in the Staff Report and distributed to the PC members in advance of the meeting must be received by December 14, 2023, and must be sent to or City of Delphi PC, 201 S Union St, Delphi, IN 46923.

In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, if anyone wishes to attend the public hearing on the above referenced matter and is in need of reasonable accommodation in order to hear, present evidence, or participate in the proceedings at the public hearing on this
matter, please contact the Administrator so accommodations can be made.

Petitioner: Greg Milakis
hxlp 5011
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Code Enforcement

Delphi’s Code Enforcement Enters Its Third Year

In the spring of 2021, the City of Delphi established a new position to ensure that safety standards and quality of place are maintained throughout the community. The Code Enforcement Officer does that by looking for health and safety concerns, such as a caving-in porch or garage, an unruly yard, or inoperable or unplated vehicles parked in yards or alleys. 

The Code Enforcement position is a contracted one. The ideal candidate would be self-motivated with strong interpersonal skills and attention to detail. Lou Hayden--the current code enforcer-- fits that bill. He is working in the community answering questions and concerns from residents. 

When Hayden finds something that is a violation of a code or a safety risk, he first sends out a Courtesy Notice attaching a photograph to ensure that the homeowner understands what is wrong. If no action is taken by the homeowner, the next step would be a Notice of Violation. This notice warns that if no action is taken, the city could hire a contractor to address the problem. If corrective action still does not take place, the homeowner will receive a third and final Notice to Abate. If the city has to take corrective action, the homeowner will receive a bill from the Clerk’s Office for the costs of the abatement.

Homeowners sometimes find themselves unable to meet the deadlines stated in the notifications. “As the Code Enforcement Officer for Delphi, I understand that sometimes you have a question or concern about a notice you might have received. I am here to answer any questions and will strive to give time where needed for you to address concerns. If you have a reason that you might not be able to meet a stated time frame, please contact me so that we can work together to ensure that the issues are addressed with a little grace along the way if needed,” Hayden commented.

The same applies to abandoned or inoperable vehicles. After the proper notice period the city will have the vehicle towed. The vehicle owner would then have to pay the tow service and if they want to reclaim the vehicle, they will need to show proper registration and ensure that it is operable.

The goal of the code enforcer is to bring problem properties into compliance, improving neighborhoods for all. By enforcing its codes, Delphi aims to make the community safe and aesthetically pleasing for current and future residents alike.

For any questions or concerns contact code enforcer Lou Hayden, at 
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Monon High Bridge Trail Dedicated

At 1 p.m. on September 6, representatives of the City of Delphi, Indiana Landmarks, and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources along with invited guests formally dedicated the newly completed Monon High Bridge Trail. Decades in the making, the successful completion of this beautiful 1.5-mile trail is the culmination of successful partnerships and general financial support.

The former rail corridor had become an unofficial trail after it was vacated by CSX Transportation in the late 1980s. The historic Monon High Bridge, the trail’s namesake, had been a de facto pedestrian bridge since its construction in 1891. The idea of integrating the Monon High Bridge and rail corridor into a community trail system was hatched in the late 1990s but didn’t gain significant steam until 2012 when statewide preservation nonprofit Indiana Landmarks and local preservation partners Heartland Heritage, Inc. and Delphi Preservation Society were presented an opportunity to initiate formal negotiations with CSX Transportation.

With support from the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology and the Federal Surface Transportation Board, Indiana Landmarks submitted a formal proposal to CSX Transportation in late 2016 with acceptance by the rail company in early 2017. Following months of pre-development work, the bridge and nearly half mile of approach was transferred by CSX Transportation to Indiana Landmarks which immediately began stabilization and repair to a severely damaged support pier. This work was completed in late 2019.

“Stabilization of the damaged pier, which prompted Indiana Landmarks to include the bridge on our 2016 10 Most Endangered list, was critical to the effort. The repaired pier ensured the preservation of this landmark span for yet another century,” said Tommy Kleckner, Western Regional director for Indiana Landmarks. “A generous grant of $248,000 from North Central Health Services allowed us to proceed with the next phase of the Monon High Bridge rehabilitation project, the installation of decking and railing on west quarter of the bridge to allow for safe pedestrian use.”

Coinciding with the bridge rehabilitation project was the City of Delphi’s pursuit of funding to develop a finished ADA compliant pedestrian & bicycle trail from the east edge of the city to the Monon High Bridge. A $1.25 million grant from the State of Indiana’s Next Level Trails program administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources propelled the Monon High Bridge Trail project forward. Work included the creation of Miller Park with a new trailhead and parking area, an intensive slope stabilization project, paving of the trail, and installation of lighting, trail cameras, and information kiosks. “This stunning trail connects heritage sites such as the Centennial and Bicentennial monuments with the repurposed Freedom Bridge over SR 25 to the Veterans Memorial Plaza with its massive Monon train engine etched in granite, then onward to the iconic High Bridge overlooking Deer Creek,” stated Delphi Mayor Anita Werling. 

Following COVID-related project delays, installation of the new prefabricated decking and custom steel railing system on the west portion of the Monon High Bridge began in earnest in the fall of 2022 with completion achieved by year’s end. “The decking and railing system turned out better than I expected. The Monon High Bridge is now safely accessible to the public, affording breathtaking views of the Deer Creek Valley from the landmark span,” added Kleckner.

Additional funding support for the trail and bridge rehabilitation project was provided by CSX Transportation, Deer Creek Township, the Efroymson Family Fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation, and the Indiana Trails Fund.
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Chief of Police Announced

Mayor Anita Werling announced today that Nathan (Nate) LaMar will assume duties as the Chief of Police for the City of Delphi effective Monday, July 17, 2023. He succeeds Chief Brook McCain who retired in June after 32 years of dedicated service with the City of Delphi.

LaMar served for more than twelve years in the Lafayette Police Department first as a patrol officer and rising to Narcotics Detective with the Tippecanoe County Drug Task Force receiving strong endorsements from law enforcement professionals and community officials with whom he has worked.

In welcoming LaMar to his new position, Werling stated: “As Chief of Police, LaMar will implement a Take-Home car policy approved by the City Council, promote community policing and public education strategies, and bring department policies and procedures in line with current practices. We look forward to his leadership, commitment, and enthusiasm.”

Since moving to the Delphi area in 2016, LaMar has been active in the community serving on the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce board of directors as well as the Indiana Bacon Festival Planning Committee. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur, he has been an active volunteer with the Delphi Main Street organization and has served on steering committees for the Delphi Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Unified Development Ordinance.

For more information, contact Anita Werling at .

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The Delphi ("City") Economic Development Commission ("Commission") will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m., local time, on July 3, 2023, in the Delphi Community Center, 311 N. Washington Street, Delphi, Indiana, regarding: (i) a proposed financing of the cost of all or a portion of the construction of economic development facilities, including construction of multi-family housing and the construction of infrastructure improvements including, but not limited to, water, sewer, electric and road infrastructure and stormwater improvements, together with all necessary appurtenances, equipment and related improvements (collectively, "Project"), in or physically connected to the Delphi Economic Development Area ("Area"); (ii) the issuance of its [Taxable] Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Series 2023 ("Bonds") in the aggregate, collective, principal amount not to exceed One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars $1,500,000 to finance the Project; and (iii) to consider whether this financing will have an adverse competitive effect on any similar facilities already constructed or operating in the City.

The Bonds will be issued by the City pursuant to IC 36-7-11.9, 36-7-12, 36-7-14 and 36-7-25, and an ordinance to be adopted by the Common Council ("Ordinance").  The Bonds will not be payable in any manner by taxation but are proposed to be payable from TIF Revenues (as defined in the Trust Indenture) and as otherwise provided in the Financing and Covenant Agreement, the Trust Indenture and the Ordinance related to the Bonds.

Proceeds of the economic development financing will be used for the costs of a portion of the Project to be located on the following parcels in the City of Delphi, Indiana: 08-06-29-021-082.000-007, No. 08-06-29-021-085.000-007, No. 08-06-29-021-081.000-007 and No. 08-06-29-021-086.000-007.

The public hearing is being held pursuant to IC 36-7-12-24.  The public is invited to attend and comment on any of the matters herein noted.  Written comments may also be submitted to the Secretary of the Commission until the end of business on July 3, 2023, by delivering such comments to the office of the Department of Redevelopment, Delphi, Indiana.

Dated: June 21, 2023.


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Beware of 3rd Party Bill Pay Services

A third-party bill payment service called DOXO has gained the unfavorable attention of utility cooperatives. City of Delphi Utility customers may be misled while searching the Internet for the City of Delphi Utilities bill payment service. DOXO's payment pages are using the City of Delphi Utilities name WITHOUT PERMISSION, giving it the appearance of an official payment site.

DOXO will charge the member extra fees for processing their transactions, and City of Delphi Utilities cannot control when we will receive the member's payment from DOXO. This may result in a late payment from the member or even disconnection due to non-payment.

City of Delphi Utilities official online payment service link is located on the website through invoiceCloud. 

If you make online payments using any other services, use caution. Investigate before paying to make sure the service is legitimate, and inquire about any additional fees you may be required to pay. 

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Annual Cemetery Clean Up

The annual Spring cleanup of the Morning Heights and Robinson-Baum cemeteries will take place the week of March 27th. Please remove any desired flowers and arrangements from the cemetery grounds prior to March 27th. Anything items remaining will be picked up by the City for disposal.

Thank you for your assistance! If you have questions, please contact the City of Delphi, 765-564-2097.

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The City of Delphi Police Department is once again accepting applications for police officers. Please complete the Pre-Application Form and return the completed form to Sgt. Deckard at . If you have any questions, please send them to the same email. The Pre-Application Form deadline is January 20, 2023 at 5:00 PM. 
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Fire Hydrant Flushing

The City of Delphi will be flushing fire hydrants throughout the city during the month of September. Hydrants on the south side of Deer Creek will be flushed beginning September 6th through September 16th. Hydrants in the rest of the city will be flushed from September 18th thru September 30th.

If you experience rusty-colored water, please run your faucets until the water runs clear. Also run your washing machine for one full cycle before washing clothes.
If you have any questions, please contact the City of Delphi Water department at 564-3944. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
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NOW HIRING: Water Department Laborer

The City of Delphi has a full-time opening for a laborer in the Water Department. Excellent benefits. The job description and salary information can be found at this link:  Water Department Laborer Job Description 2022  Contact: Water Department  for additional information.
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The intersection at Monroe and Market Streets will become a 4-way stop beginning Monday, May 23. Please take heed of all signs and stop bars.
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Spring Cleanup is Saturday, May 7th!

Spring Cleanup for Delphi residents will be Saturday, May 7th. All items need to be placed at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on the day of pickup. The trash contractor will not return a second time. Items should be placed in an orderly fashion at the curb. The following items will NOT be taken:
  • Building materials
  • Freon appliances and electronics
  • Paint and oil
  • Rock and brick
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact the Delphi Street Department at 564-2353.
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Cemetery Clean-Up Begins April 11

The City of Delphi will be conducting our annual Spring clean-up of Morning Heights and Robinson-Baum cemeteries beginning the week of April 11th. Any flowers or arrangements that you wish to keep should be picked up prior to April 11th. Decorations remaining will be removed up by the City. We thank you in advance and should you have any questions please feel free to contact the City of Delphi 765-564-2027.

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Delphi Announces Installation of New Water Meters

State-of-the-art water meters will be installed throughout the City of Delphi beginning Thursday, January 27th and continuing for several weeks. The new meters are lead-free iPERL meters which have no moving parts and maintain their accuracy over a 20-year lifetime. They will replace AccuSTREAM meters currently in the system which have a 15-year lifespan, and which can show some degradation in accuracy over time. The AccuSTREAM meters in the current system are past their half-life. The iPERL meters will be set to record usage at 1 cubic foot compared with 10 cubic feet for the old meters. This will greatly increase the ability to detect leaks in the system, particularly for customers. Once the changeover is complete, the City of Delphi will utilize Sensus Analytics for data management of the system. Instant reading of water consumption will then be possible making leak detection more rapid and providing quicker customer service.

Meter installation will be handled by Advanced Utility Services (AUS) whose installers and vehicles will be marked. The South Hill in Delphi will be the first area to receive the new meters. For each meter, the changeout is expected to require no longer than 30 minutes during which time the water will be turned off. After the changeout, residents may experience some air in their lines or slight discoloration of the tap water. Letting the water run for several minutes will clear these conditions. If questions arise, or the conditions persist, please contact the Water Department at 765-564-3944.

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Carroll County Long-Range Transportation Plan Seeks Public Input

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts on transportation needs for the future of Delphi and Carroll County!

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The Common Council has authorized a fourth round of the Delphi Small Business Resilience Grant (SBRG IV) program initiated in 2020 to assist businesses that have been impacted by the COVID pandemic. The SBRG IV grant is available to businesses that have been located in the City Delphi or within one mile of the corporate limits since July 1, 2021. The maximum possible award is $5,000 per business.

Since 2020, 101 grants totaling more than $478,000 have been awarded to 53 businesses for COVID assistance, funded in large part through grants from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs. In SBRG IV the City will distribute the remaining $73,500 in OCRA funds. Priority will be given to businesses that have not received funding in all of the three previous rounds and to businesses located within the corporate limits.

Applications are available on the City of Delphi website and at the City Building during normal business hours. All applications and required documentation are due by 4:30 p.m. on January 14, 2022 and may be turned in at the City Building or emailed to .

Further information is available within the grant application. Questions can be referred to Mayor Anita Werling at or by phone 765-564-3039.

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Public Hearing for 2022 Budget October 4 at 6:00 p.m.

A public hearing on the City of Delphi's proposed budget for 2022 will be held Monday, October 4th at 6:00 p.m. at the meeting of the Common Council at the Community Center, 311 N. Washington Street. Click on the link to review the proposed budget:  Form 3 City of Delphi 2022 Budget
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